Saturday 7 May 2011

Hugs & Happiness - Happy Mothers Day, yep it's time to cleanse

I woke this morning early to little Miss Unhappy 3 1/2yr old, sooking in her bed and with the refusal to come in for a cuddle and not wanting to know about me, Happy Mothers Day!  Thankfully Bebe was by far more loving and arrived bearing gifts and lots of Hugs & Happiness. 

This was followed by a pancake breakfast with my favourite lemon & sugar, whilst enjoying this treat, I knew it won't be long until these little treats will be a part of my past treats.

Little Miss Unhappy remained that way for a good part of the morning, so todays reinforcement for us all is 'Hugs & Happiness'!

A funny coincidence today watching the morning show, they ran a segment on 'Happiness and You, The Test'.  I took the test and came out with a pretty lousy score of 242 out of 698, the score is as lousy as I have been feeling!!  Take the test

I have been reading up on the link between unhealthy Livers and Auto Immune Diseases, whilst I eat really well  80-90% of the time I acknowledge that my little treats like the occassional chocolates, real butter and white bread that I allow myself occassionally may be part of the cause.

Dr Sandra Cabot's book The Liver Cleansing Diet, explores the connection between the two, so do many other websites and info I have come accross.  I am therefore basing my decision to undergo the Liver Cleansing Diet in hope of recitifying some of my internal issues that may have triggered or imflaming the symptons of Hashimoto Disease.

This won't be a easy task, however it will be about setting new habits and lifestyle changes for a cleaner, happy & healthy me.

Farewell Health & Happiness, welcome Mashi Potato, grrrrr.....

To become my former self, energised, healthy, active, motivated & most importantly happy!!

In October 2010, I thought seriously, life couldnt get any better for me, unless of course we'd won the lotto, owned a beach house on the Sunny Coast and money was no object!  I had just completed my first Half Marathon in Melbourne (St George, Melbourne Marathon), taking a weekend away from my tiddly peeps and husband, I got the opportunity to take a breather and asess my life.  

At 34, I believed I had all I wanted and needed in my life, a really happy family, health & personal happiness.  I was also enjoying my job and finally finding a great balance between motherhood, employment and time for myself to do something I enjoy, running.

Six months later, feeling like a freight train hit me, I have received diagnoses of an Auto-Immune Disease 'Hashimoto'.  A rather common complaint of women around the world, so I have read, Thyroid related problems, affects many women and men, my own version of Thyroid ill health is 'Hashimoto Disease'.  Until recently, I had never really considered how important my thyroid is in my body and more importantly the health of my thyroid.

I have taken inspiration from a few other 'Wellness Warrior's', women and are following their blogs and sites.  I have decided to take control of my health & happiness (two things now M.I.A.), I am to become CEO, Wellness Warrior for my own self. 

I plan to make a 'plan' and post here as to the information I have found along the way and what has worked and what hasn't worked for me as I 'Farewell Mashi Potato' disease.

Will I ever farewell Mashi Potato Disease? Remains to be seen, I'd like to have given it a real good kick in the gutts and put it back in it's place.  Here's for positive thinking and positive changes in my life.